Dear Readers,
with boundless joy and heartfelt gratitude, I am thrilled to unveil
a project that holds a special place in my heart —
the English edition of my book:
“6 Leadership Skills to unleash the Gamechanger
in You and Your Team”.
It is a clear and compact guide written for all those who decide to become true leaders, a compact guide to creating transformational Leaders, Teams and Workplaces.
The book carries the publishing label NBK,
Neue Business-Kultur Verlag,
a brand of my Management Consulting Institute
ARETA new perspectives for leaders
based in Frankfurt, Germany
The English version of the Book
has a Foreword by Dr. Sujata Dutta,
vice president of Vodafone India
and an Afterword by Dr. Thomas Hesse,
German-American Investor and Entrepreneur
that I both thank for their Trust and valuable Content.
And now it only remains for me to wish you, dear Readers,
a transformational read!